If you are going to purchase any type of insurance you will probably be conversing with an agent at some point. Even if you buy online, there will probably come a time when you communicate with a local professional.
There is nothing better than having a good relationship with your insurance agent. This will make it much easier for you to buy the right policy and feel safe day in and day out.
But did you know that there are many things you can do that really scare your agent? Here are three situations that your agent wants to avoid at all costs. Unfortunately, many consumers put them in this compromising position time after time.
1. Holding back important information.
For most insurance agents, this is the thing that they worry about the most. An agent never really knows for sure if a client is telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
For example, a client may fail to mention the fact that they have a health concern that could increase the cost of his or her life insurance. This may not sound like a big deal, but it is the job of the agent to ensure that the client gets the right coverage at the right price. The last thing an agent wants is for a client to pass on and to realize that the death benefit is not going to be paid to the beneficiary.
2. Not providing accurate contact information.
Let’s face it: from time to time your insurance agent will need to make contact. Maybe there is a way for you to save money. Maybe there is something wrong with your policy. If an agent needs to reach a client, it is important that they be able to do so in an instant.
Tip: as a client, you should provide primary contact information as well as a backup. Along with this, if your phone number or address changes make sure you contact your insurance agent to note this.
3. Not paying on time.
Is there anything worse than not making a premium payment on time? This is a bad situation for both the client and the agent.
In short, if you continually pay late your policy is going to be canceled at some point in time. This is not something that the agent wants to do, but has to do. Chronic late payers can be a thorn in the side. Unfortunately, it is often times the agent that looks like the bad guy in the end.
In a perfect world, insurance agents would never have to deal with any of the three issues detailed above. However, these situations are more common than most people believe.
If you currently have any type of insurance – from home to life to auto – do your best to keep a good relationship with your agent. This will go a long way in making life easier on the both of you.
For the most part, it is relatively simple to avoid the three pitfalls detailed above.